How to fix loneliness: 4 effective Strategies to be more happy
Loneliness is one of the most common mental health problems in our society today. And how could it be otherwise when all we do every day is sit on our smartphones, watch TV, or whatever? We are dependent on these media as we become more and more desocialized. But these problems can be solved, so here is how to fix loneliness to be more happy.
What I have learned about loneliness.
To begin with, I would like to explain my own experience on this topic. I have experienced deep loneliness over a long period of time. After a difficult breakup, I was completely alone and had no friends or relationships. During this time, I mostly played video games to get rid of the feelings of loneliness. But I soon learned that this was not a solution. Loneliness doesn’t go away by confronting the problem. It was then, almost a year later, that I decided to face the pain in order to feel better at some point.
This was sometime in early 2023. I heard about self-improvement for the first time. I started exercising and became increasingly aware of strategies for improvement. It took me a long time to get from this point to today, but I am no longer fully committed. I had a lot of relapses to bad habits, especially at the beginning, simply because it’s hard to break them with such feelings as baggage. But over time, the feelings got better, I was able to make friends, and I gradually became more productive. To help you live a happy and fulfilling life, I will explain below which strategies have helped me.
1. Use the Pain to your Advantage.
The most important thing to remember on the road to improving your mental health is that it doesn’t work right away. Right now, you feel lonely, but I’d be lying if I said this could be solved quickly. No, unfortunately, it will take a while to turn your life around. Your journey will be tough and require a lot of discipline, but if you stick with it, you will reach your goal of a fulfilled and happy life. However, if you want this path to become easier for you, you must learn to channel your inner pain into energy and motivation.
On the one hand, pain can crush you. You become lazier, try to suppress bad feelings with consumption, and make no progress. However, you must first understand that without work, your mental health will not improve. Self-improvement goes beyond becoming more productive. You need to improve your mental health by constantly working on those feelings. If you just sit around and do nothing, you’ll still be lonely two years from now.
So realize that it takes effort. Discipline, in particular, is important for the self-realization of dreams and desires. To change something, you have to get up to make the changes that are needed. Use your pain as a driving force, because your goal is a better life. You want to be happy and fulfilled, so do something about it today! There is no reason to make excuses, no reason to feel sorry for yourself.
2. Improve your social life.

You probably have a few friends, or at least the wrong ones. Your friends aren’t giving you what you need, so you should probably look for new ones. This may be hard now, but you need friends who will give you the things you crave. Otherwise, you will remain lonely despite all this. Bad friends are not good for your health. They drag you down and cause you to fall into bad habits.
Whether you have no friends or only bad ones, you should make friends from now on. Yes, of course you have to leave your apartment to do this. Although you can make friends online, it’s better to make them in real life. Of course, you won’t make good friends right away. This takes time and investment. But start having more social interactions; For example, when you attend a class, talk to the person sitting next to you.
The more social interactions you have, the more likely you are to make good friends, and the better you will become at socializing. Of course, your focus should not be on this but on your goals. But opportunities for conversations are worthwhile. People will take more notice of you; you will become more popular and, above all, more talented in charisma. This will help you later on, especially in dating.
To increase your chances, join clubs or hobby groups. You can also search the internet for groups that do an activity you like together. There are many ways to make friends. You just need to practice your hobbies in a social space. When you finally make a friend, however, you should also nurture the relationship and get to know them better. Friendships need nurturing, such as doing things together.
3. Work, Habits, and Goals

One of the most important things that cured me of my loneliness was work. Yes, it sounds absurd, but working for a dream is fun and makes you happy. Instead of focusing on the goal, I focus on the journey. If the journey is fun, the work is easier. If you do this too, you will achieve fulfillment through success and through work.
Fulfillment is a superpower. It gives your life meaning. You don’t get up every day for a repetitive routine; You get up for your dream. You have a goal or an idea that you want to realize. You can use this power to change your life. You will feel much better if you work on it for a while. Of course, it will take some time before you notice the effects, but with a lot of effort and discipline, you are guaranteed to achieve success.
In addition, you should practice good habits instead of bad ones. Habits that indicate the best habits for mental health include meditation and journaling. Meditating helps you to have clearer thoughts, and specific types of meditation focused on bad feelings can help you strengthen yourself during emotional emergencies. Simply download the Medito app, which is available in the App Store and Play Store.
Also, create a journal book—preferably not a digital one, but one made of real paper. Writing on paper makes it much easier for you to process things than if you write them digitally. It goes into your brain much more easily. So take your journal every day and write down your thoughts, especially your feelings, and why you feel the way you do. This will improve your mental health. You will get rid of your bad feelings more easily. Instead of suppressing them, they slowly fade away.
4. Having great hobbies

To be truly happy and fulfilled, you also need hobbies. These are a source of happiness. Without them, you will find it difficult to be fulfilled. After all, always working is not the answer. If you already have hobbies, great! Try to integrate them well into your life. If not, there are some steps you can take to find hobbies.
Look for creative hobbies. These can be very calming and, above all, stress-reducing. You could draw something just for fun without being focused on success. If you can’t draw, there are other things you can do. Music, videos, photography, or, as I do, looking after plants. In my free time, I especially like to care for my plants. This calms me down a lot.
But other hobbies are also good for you, including social hobbies. However, these depend on your social life and the success mentioned above. Instead, you can do other relaxing things, such as a video game, reading, or something similar. The choice is entirely yours, as long as you are not dependent on it.
Ultimately, interests and hobbies are also part of you. They make you more relaxed and happier. They distract you from everyday life, which can sometimes be too stressful. Taking time out is very important, especially if you work a lot. Work-life balance is one of the most important factors in a happy life. Be aware that overworking never makes you happy.
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