The Progressive Self-Improvement Blog

New Article every Monday at 6 PM CET

Our Mission

There have been numerous techniques to self-improvement in recent years.
Movements focused at guys seeking more money, women, or anything else in life.
However, there is a downside to these motions, which can be quite hazardous.
While they do provide useful and practical advice that improves people's lives, the cost is at the expense of modern humans.
These movements are more harmful, then good. It is not advisable to prioritize money, hookups, and celebrity.
To oppose these movements, a new one is growing here.
People should strive to be happier, more virtuous, and morally upright.
A better person should consider others as well as oneself.
This site is for those who want to grow together, live a productive and happy life, and improve themselves.
This site covers a wide range of issues, from productivity, learning, and life objectives to relationships and morals.
The blog is written from a man's perspective, although it is appropriate for all genders.

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