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Main Focus

How to train your main focus to be more efficient


How to train your main focus to be more efficient

Focus is probably the most important skill for a successful and productive person. Whether it’s your work or a personal project you’re working towards, focus helps you to be more efficient. This ability to focus can put you ahead of your competition, it can get you a promotion, and it will definitely save you time. The latter will be especially important because saving time is one of the most important circumstances. To help you increase your main focus, here are some scientific facts that will help you improve your focus to the extreme.

Science about focus

To get a good focus at work, it is first important to learn how our brain processes focus in the first place. This works by focusing on an object, and our brain responds to it. Not all of our neurons in the visual cortex respond to this action, but only some of them. These neurons are activated and work in a synchronized way, while at the same time, other neurons that respond to unimportant information are suppressed by the brain.

How exactly can we make this information relevant to our task? From this fact, it follows that we need to actively support and suppress those neurons. In simple terms, we need to train the action of concentrating while suppressing distractions. So if you are good at suppressing distractions and can focus very well, you have a very efficient way of working. You can also work without training to ignore distractions. However, sharp focus will only be enough if there are no distractions.

Source: McGovern Institue

What decreases focus, according to science?

There are many things that destroy your focus. These are usually bad habits, but sometimes there are also mental obstacles, such as ADHD. It is important for you to identify these things. If you have a problem with any of the following habits, you should make every effort to remove them in order to gain more focus. Even if you have ADHD or other mental limitations, it will help you to remove the habits and get into other good habits.

One of the habits is poor sleep. If you often stay up late or sleep poorly, this will destroy your focus. You will find it difficult to concentrate on one thing and lose valuable time. However, if you manage to get good and sufficient sleep, these problems will disappear, and your focus will work better.

You can find out how to optimize your sleep here. In addition to sleep, medication can also cause problems with focus. So if you are taking medication, take a look at the list of side effects. If you find side effects that reduce your concentration, ask your doctor for advice. Under no circumstances should you stop taking your medication without consulting your doctor first.

Furthermore, all substances that can be classified as drugs have bad effects on your concentration. Alcohol, in particular, will have a strong effect on your focus if you consume it frequently and in large quantities. So try to keep your alcohol consumption as low as possible to avoid this side effect. Small doses of alcohol, on the other hand, are harmless and have even been shown to increase your focus. For example, small amounts of alcohol can increase your ability to shoot a weapon.

One of the most common side effects is clearly the mass overload of data that is a daily occurrence in our digital age. Notifications, calls, social media, and all sorts of technology can be very distracting, especially if you regularly consume content such as TikTok. At its most extreme, this is an addiction, and you will easily have an urge to pick up your smartphone again. So remove all kinds of distractions from your work environment. You can do this by putting your smartphone away or by installing an app that blocks all your unproductive apps.

Another thing that’s important: don’t use the Pomodoro technique. Of course, this is very popular and also strengthens concentration for an interval of 25 minutes, but after that, you consciously interrupt your focus for a break. I’m telling you, sometimes it’s worth doing without this technique. Especially when you’re working on something, it’s usually better to follow your workflow.

However, this is interrupted by the Pomodoro technique, which means you never benefit from a deep focus. So avoid this method and work with deep work, which keeps you focused for longer and allows you to get much more done. So don’t keep interrupting your inner motor, but let it run while you work and concentrate on the work. This may be difficult at first, but working for longer than 25 minutes is possible and will be useful to you.

What increases focus, according to science?

One of the most important practices that also helps in other areas is meditation, especially mindfulness meditation. By focusing your attention on the present moment, your breath, or any sound, you will train your focus. To do these meditations, it is best to use guided meditations. I recommend downloading Medito for this. You can find Medito for both Apple and Android. You can also try to make a timer during meditation that interrupts you mid-session. Ignore this timer, and you will train your ability to ignore distractions.

Furthermore, science says that cognitive games can increase your focus. These can be small exercise games or even video games. The important thing is that you concentrate while playing. It doesn’t matter whether you are good or bad at the game. The important thing is that your concentration improves. With these practice games, you can both relax your work and increase your focus. However, this should not be done excessively but rather at shorter intervals. So there is no reason to play a video game for hours every day if you are not doing any work.

Finally, it is important to get into the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle. Yes, this includes diet, exercise, sleep, and your mental mind. A physically and mentally healthy person works much better and more productively. So try to exercise regularly, perhaps two or three times a week. This does not have to be for athletic purposes, but it is sufficient to train for your health. In addition, as described above, make sure you get a good night’s sleep. Besides, eat healthy, because if you meet your basic nutritional needs, you will work better.

In addition to a good diet, some additives will significantly increase your concentration. Caffeine is especially good if you are tired. Also L-theanine, omega-3-fatty acids, or different herbal supplements. Herbal supplements are Ginkgo Biloba, Bacopa Monnieri, Lion’s Mane Mushrooms, Ashwagandha, or certain nuts, especially walnuts. These remedies will help you, but you should research possible side effects beforehand. It is also unclear whether such effects can stack up or not. Therefore, find a supplement that suits you and that also works.

Source: Harvard Health Publishing

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