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How Reading modified my Life: My personal story of growth


How Reading modified my Life: My personal story of growth

Books are an important resource that can take us a long way. Almost everything possible has already been written down. Personally, reading non-fiction books has given me a huge advantage in life. In the following article, I’ll tell you how they have changed my life and how you can do the same.

My personal story.

In the beginning, before I started actively reading books, I had a general education, but my knowledge, especially about life, was limited. I used to be too lazy to read books, avoiding them as much as possible. Today I regret I haven’t spent more time reading. I could have soaked up huge amounts of knowledge by then, just by leaving some time for reading. But after some development, especially when I started studying at university, I started reading non-fiction – and only non-fiction! These included books on subjects that helped me understand the importance of knowledge in any field, be it a job, some sport, business, thinking & mind, and even studying itself. Thus, knowledge is the key to the gateway of growth. If you start learning and reading, you can achieve your goals much faster and live a better life.

I became more literate.

No matter which non-fiction books you read, they are written in an educated language, thus they had improved my ability to interact with people. No matter how far you want to go in life, at some point you will meet smart people, and you can’t communicate with them well without knowledge. An educated way of expressing myself was also of great benefit to me when I had to communicate with many intelligent historians in a former job. I was also able to make contacts and these are particularly important for your career. This will also help you because you can interact with lots of people and, above all, make an impression and establish contacts. It will also help you to improve your writing skills, as reading is the precursor to writing. If you have read a lot of books, you will also be able to write good and, what’s more important, practical texts.

It improved my level of knowledge

In addition to improving the way I express myself, I was also able to improve my level of knowledge in many areas. This includes not only topics that fit in with my goals, but also books that provide knowledge on productivity, fitness and other topics. Reading, whether it’s a solid book or an article on the internet, will change your life just like it did mine. There are things you should learn that are absolutely necessary for a successful life. So I was able to acquire knowledge about meditation, life wisdom, work techniques, etc. These skills helped me tremendously with my life. I changed a lot. Before, I was lazy, undisciplined, had no purpose or drive, meaningful, real skills: my life wasn’t particularly great. Today, I have been able to improve my knowledge, productivity, charisma and much more through reading.

That’s why reading can be interpreted as a simple calculation: reading = growth. It always has been and always will be. The brightest minds in the world have certainly read a lot. Even people with successful careers will have read a book or two (as one study showed, millionaires on average read 4 books or month – 52 in a year). You won’t get very far without it.

The use of Fiction Books?

es, fiction books are very useful! They certainly don’t have the same effect as non-fiction books, but they do have some extra advantages. Personally, I only really started reading fiction books a year ago, not so much before that. You improve your ability to concentrate, you can empathise better with people and you are much better at social conversation. Because even if you’re shy, reading novels puts you in a story that takes place in your head. You imagine how characters behave and interact with each other. This allows you to subconsciously train your social skills, so you can actually do things well. I realised this myself when I started to overcome my shyness at the end of last year. I was able to have conversations with lots of people because I had already trained my memory through books. So being a nerd and reading books will make you just as

How you can integrate this for your own growth

Now that you know what reading can do for you in general, you can use it for your own life and growth. Of course, you can also read e-books or articles like the ones here on my blog. All in all, you will absorb more from reading articles about self-development, for example, than from watching videos. You’re not just training more, you’re actively concentrating. Take advantage of this and read books, articles and other contributions that enrich your life from now on. If you don’t have any books yet, you can buy some cheaply second-hand. Alternatively, you can also read books on the internet. Books and articles are divided into four categories: Important, useful, okay and useless. I don’t just read the first books that I find useful, I actively make notes on them. However, I would only read books that are only useful. While books that are only okay are only suitable for me as a summary. This saves me time, because after all, there are millions of books to read. On the other hand, you shouldn’t read useless books unless you’re forced to by school, work or university. You should also make time to read novels a few times a week. Not only do they bring you a lot, they are also a great way to unwind from your daily routine.

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